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Fine Art Photography - Spirit in Place 
Mixed Media Gallery

The joy I feel in nature is what I wish to share with others. It reflects my time spent in a beautiful and dynamic landscape, and the personality I feel as I hike and commune with the natural world and seek to discover the personality each place holds. It also encompasses people ghosted into the environment in such a way that you feel the beauty and the spirit or personality which weaves through a place.

When I am out in nature, I feel fully present and with all my senses fully engaged, I may capture, through the photographic eye, that one unique moment in time, which may reflect a richer story or image to be experienced by the beholder.​

I find the beauty and feeling of the Southwest to be rich in culture, dynamic in color and texture and incredible to behold.  There is something to be said in loving what you photograph.  I am an avid hiker and feel the time spent in the outdoors helps me to see nature in a multi-sensory manner.  It's like taking all the feelings you have with all your senses and once nature knows you are friendly, gives itself to you. You see things that are quite different than if you went quickly into nature to catch a snap. I love pushing the limit in the way that light plays with shadow, and strive to infuse the light into the photographs I capture.  For our eyes are truly wonders and to create with the camera so it responds as closely as possible to our eyes is a magical experience. Photography truly is a metamorphic experience.

I also enjoy taking people on photographic excursions so they may experience and manifest their own visions for their photography.

The Catalinas - what a place to meander, meditate and capture your special portraits - families and individuals love this are and you don't have to go far to enjoy wonderful vistas.

Photographic Services Payment

​You are invited to pay for your photographic services through the PayPal button below. Once I receive your payment, I will send  you

a confirmation. 

Thanks again for giving me the opportunity to create your memories.

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Janise Witt

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