Photography by
Janise Witt
What You Envision - Together We Can Create
I invite you to check out my blog for continuing insights

Naturally Inspired Portraits
Find Your Heart and Soul in Nature
Immerse Yourself in Nature
Refresh - Reflect - Rejuvenate
"Who looks outside, dreams;
who looks inside, awakes."
-Carl Jung
Feel your senses come alive and feel the rhythm of your heart
and deepen your relationship with nature.
Karen's Inspiring Story of Perseverance
"The story I'm trying to tell is about Life's Journey. I'm wanting photos on a mountain top like I've seen in your wedding gallery. And photos on forest paths, walking across the river, and the like.
These are spectacular!!
Looking at the photos brings me back there and
I almost feel the energy even more through the photos since I'm in a quiet place! I LOVE IT!!!
Oh - thank you!
I'm so excited and I'm really proud of what we did.
Susie asked the question...
"What does it mean to be worthy?
She gave me permission to share this visual meditation with you.
I hope you enjoy!

"Oh Janise...this is so beautiful! I cried watching it. I shared it with one of the veterans that comes to my Wednesday class and he was amazed by the intensity of it. Well done! I'm going to share it on my Facebook and website. Thank you for your beautiful vision." Susie
Naturally Inspired
- a portrait experience to connect with your true self.
Is it difficult to find the time to slow down and experience the tranquility which can facilitate one’s inward journey? What if through embarking on an inner journey we were able to lay the foundation for an enlightened future?
Most of us have gone through an intense time over the last few years, and it has left many confused as to how to proceed and move forward. Perhaps you need reassurance that someone has your back in life. Naturally Inspired was created a number of years ago and has evolved to assist others in finding their unique inner knowing, to more easily flow through life's journey with more joy and inner confidence.
It’s about getting into your sacred centered space where all works like a fine tuned instrument because life gives us opportunities for all kinds of experiences. When we feel our best we move and process through our life experiences with more inner resolve and inner strength. Our vibrant and strong core within us enables us to feel more joy and to feel more aligned with our authentic selves. We move through any given situation we encounter in the best way possible.
Naturally Inspired brings in the stillness of the mind, walking at your own rhythm to tap into your heart, strengthening your body, and being present to what nature desires to share with you, and connect with The Divine. To feel only one emotion is rather narrow thinking. We are individuals with a multitude of facets to our being, yet it is through honoring these facets we are able to shine. The focus is to feel whole in our body, mind, heart and spirit, where all is right within our inner world. When we are in alignment with our inner world, the outer world cannot so easily take us off course from our center.
Because of my love of nature, quiet contemplative time and journaling that I’ve done for years; I understand the way nature has enabled me to connect with all my senses in a fully present way, and also connect to my spiritual essence and the Divine. When I go into nature, it's like going into an oasis for my soul.
I’ve had questions that have been answered through this time; insights into solutions; as well as next steps to take when I’m working on cultivating my dreams. I’ve found nature to be quite healing as well. It’s like Earth and Heaven embrace you in whatever you’re trying to understand on a deeper level. For me, nature is my heart and studio. Whenever I create with others, I feel it’s an adventure; yet with Naturally Inspired, it’s an adventure into the beauty and wonder of nature, while you’re exploring what you desire to understand in a deeper dimension.
Naturally Inspired is personalized for you. This can be created individually or for an intimate group of people. I'm happy to brainstorm with you about your goal, question or intention. We choose a place which resonates with you in nature. Through quiet time in nature you reflect and gain insights, which you’ll journal about briefly. As you enjoy these new insights there will be images in nature you’ll be drawn to, sometimes as a metaphor to answer a question and provide insight. I’ll capture images of you for this portrait as well as other visual prompts you enjoy during your journey. You may even want to capture some of the images with your smartphone.
When our photography is complete, I create a visual meditation with music that resonates with your experience, so you will be able to enjoy this personalized meditation when you return home and can use it regularly to help answer additional questions and gain deeper insights. As well, I create a visual journal for you, so you may write your insights and again connect with these visual memories to continue to grow in your understanding; cultivate the next steps of your dreams or reflect on the healing and wonder that is taking place in your life.
What's great about this process is that it is personalized to you and for you! I am also happy to help you create your own visual meditations to enable you to move forward with your goals, answering questions or simply creating stories about your wonderful adventures.
This is completely confidential unless you give me permission to use your images and intention.
Take this a step beyond and create your own visual meditation.
What if you could create your own visual meditation to embrace something you’d like to better understand, to find more joy and to receive insights into a goal you are desiring to bring into your life?
This is possible and it’s also joyful and easy to do. And…what’s more, once you understand more about how this creative process works, you’ll be able to do it at anytime; in a park close to your own home or as you travel to other areas.
All of this can be created through your intention, getting into a centered and mindful space, adding a beautiful dose of nature, personally selected with you and your IPhone.
What's so amazing about this creative process is that it can aid you in deepening your creativity or living your life in a more creative way.