What if the world was a great big machine
From the movie "Hugo" - Hugo desires to connect with his Dad who has passed away. His dad was in charge of making sure the Clock Tower worked every day; and so Hugo took over that responsibility, in secret, once his Dad died. Hugo continues to look for a clue, and when he receives this insight, he shares it with his new found friend,
"What if the whole world was a great big machine. Machines have no extra pieces; every piece is needed to make the clock work. So if that is true, then that means I have a purpose and so do you."
The first time I saw this movie, I knew there was something profound in this and when I watched this a couple of weeks ago, the insight that Hugo shares goes even deeper.
I believe we are all part of a big family; whether you call it that or have another name for it; we're all in this together; all Earth's family: the people, animals, rocks, sea, trees and every living thing; we're all in this beautiful and sometimes dysfunctional family together.
Yet, for one moment, what if you really felt and understood that you were important and that you have a unique gift or gifts to share with the world that would make your life run more smoothly; and in a more joyful way. Maybe you know what your gifts are and I celebrate you; maybe you know some of your gifts, yet you don't know how to apply them.
I have a wonderful portrait offering, which really is about celebrating you. Whether you are celebrating something you've accomplished, have questions about where your gifts may fit in, need insights into your direction, or how to move forward with your dreams...I feel this may be something fulfilling for you.
It's about setting an intention, and centering yourself through meditation. We then meander through a natural place in Sedona, which resonates with you. I capture images of you and also images which may call to you in nature. As well, I have you journal insights you receive along the way; snip-its if you will, that you can go back to later.
I then have you choose your favorite images, together with music which speaks to your intention and create a visual meditation that you can continue to use to gain further insights into your process of transformation.
This is completely confidential unless you give me permission to use your images and intention.
These Portraits to Transform can be done for individuals or for small groups.
And...the truth is, I love capturing celebrations and beautiful coming togethers in the beauty and wonder of Sedona. Because all of your special times of your life are about you.
What if, through celebrating and honoring you, you were actually giving a gift to those you love
and all your Earth Family.